An Introduction to Digital Transformation in the Workplace

How to Get Started with Digital Transformation in Your Workplace

February 25, 2020

The technological landscape is changing daily and the need for companies to keep pace often boils down to a matter of survival. Technologies continually reshape the way we do business and affect the way businesses are perceived by our clients and customers. Digital Transformation has been a buzzword within the technology sector for many years, but, instead of fading away its relevance has only increased. More and more, organizations are seeking out guidance on how to improve their workflows, strategies, and outcomes through digital transformation. However, knowing where to start can be a challenge. This article will give you an introductory insight into how digital transformation can improve your outcomes and how to select the right partner on this journey.

Digital transformation is indeed a journey – not a destination, and the road map is not the same for everyone. In the end, every organization is capable of digital transformation at some level but knowing where to get started requires a deeper understanding of what digital transformation is.


There is a prevailing understanding that digital transformation is about adopting technology in order to fundamentally change the way a business operates. The implication being that technology directly translates to increased profit margins, efficiency, and consistency in business. This definition only scratches the surface, and ultimately misses the fact that digital transformation must be driven by people to be effective.

Digital Transformation required a highly targeted approach that prioritizes applying technology in places where it will make the most impact. Without a cohesive strategy backed up by data and widespread buy-in from both leadership and employees many workplace transformation projects fail. Digital transformation should not be seen as a technological takeover, but instead as a merger where people and technology come together to redefine both the employee and the customer experience. As a result, both employees and customers should feel empowered by the changes. Some great early transformation initiatives might include:

  • Deploying digital tools to make information more accessible across the organization
  • Migrating backfiles of paper to the Cloud to improve security and accessibility
  • Incorporating a collaborative software platform to better manage tasks and goals
  • Employing software, web tools, or machine learning to collect and analyze business data
  • Increasing customer engagement though digital technologies, online portals, and targeted communications.

The Challenge with Transformation

Deploying these types of initiatives is not always easy. Digital transformation is fundamentally disruptive – it requires leaders to challenge the status quo, invest (sometimes significant) capital, and re-work business processes that may be deeply entrenched in the organization. There will be growing pains but keeping the big picture in mind is essential. Even in cases where human labor is displaced, the adoption of new technological strategies has the power to improve employee satisfaction. By eliminating rote tasks like indexing, scanning, and manually backing up files transformation initiatives can make powerful changes in day-to-day operations. 

Many fear this will lead to the complete obsolescence of people in the workplace, but in actuality, the elimination of easily automated tasks can pave the way for employees to work more efficiently and free up time for higher-stakes projects within the company. Digital transformation is not about eliminating the human touch, but instead about empowering people through technology to better perform their roles and consequentially improve the customer experience.

Why Pursue Digital Transformation?

The question then becomes, “If digital transformation is so disruptive and costly then what are the true benefits?” Ultimately, it all boils down to providing a more satisfying experience for both your employees and your customers. Current technologies have led customers to expect prompt, effective service. Instant access to information and carefully integrated automation can help to meet the demands of an increasingly tech-savvy clientele. Digital Transformation provides a valuable opportunity to set your organization apart with superior service. With the glut of choice available to customers, it is imperative to stay ahead of the pack if you want to capture business opportunities. Digital Transformation is also a worthwhile consideration for re-tooling core business operations. Integrating automation, improving records management strategies, increasing online collaboration, and simplifying workloads can lead to considerable benefits across your organization, particularly in HR, sales, and IT.


Choosing a Digital Transformation Services Provider

Leveraging the experience of a digital transformation partner or provider can fast-track your company in its evolution. The goal posts for digital transformation are always moving. Therefore, it’s important stay focused on long term goals and stick to a centralized strategy. When choosing a provider for any of your transformation projects you will want to look for the following positive indicators:

  1. The provider is focused on your goals and how to support you at your current stage of growth.

Advertising and sales pitches might get you to the table, but if your technology provider isn’t taking the time to find out what your specific needs are, they may not be the right fit. Sometimes the larger companies are not equipped to provide the one-on-one attention you deserve. Likewise, some startups might lack the compliance and infrastructure to handle a bigger, more complex project. Seek a provider who can balance these two needs. Digital transformation strategy should be tailored to your pace of growth, fit within your budget, and address the areas of your business that will make the biggest long-term impact.

  1. They understand not only what is happening now, but what the future will bring to the technologies they provide.

No one can predict the future, but it’s important to choose a transformation partner that is keeping ahead of the curve and continuing to challenge the capabilities of the technologies they offer. Don’t be afraid to ask what’s next for their company or to question how their service will continue to evolve as your needs change. In other words, beware of legacy software or complicated licensing requirements that won’t grow with you through the years.

  1. They have a strong track record of success.

Every industry has different digital transformation and compliance needs. Ideally, you will want to work with a partner that understands the unique challenges you will face and has experience successfully deploying solutions for similar clients. For example, a government agency and a small legal office will likely have completely different timelines, goals, and compliance/security needs. Don’t accept a one-size-fits-all solution if it doesn’t align with your goals.

If this resonates with you, then perhaps it’s time to dig a little deeper and find out how you can reach the next level in your digital transformation journey. See where you’re succeeding and learn more about where you have room for improvement. In this 15-minute assessment, you will answer questions about the culture of your organization, what projects are in place, and what areas need attention. Afterwards, we will then send you tailored assessment feedback to get you moving forward. 

Take our Digital Transformation Assessment

Are you ready to take the next step in your digital workplace transformation? Take our online assessment and find out more about what projects could make the biggest impact for your organization.  

About DOMA- Powered by Tech, Driven by People

DOMA Technologies (DOMA) is a software development and digital transformation company whose mission is to change customer lives by lightening their workload through faster and more targeted access to their data. Since 2000, our team of 200+ experts has helped businesses navigate all aspects of the digital world. We are a dedicated strategic partner for the federal government and private sector clients at every stage of their unique digital transformation journey.

Director of Communication


Danielle Wethington
Director of Communications